Trimming Video Recording using Microsoft PowerPoint

Hello there. I trust you are well.

In my previous post HERE, I discussed how you can use the Microsoft PowerPoint as your tool for video recording.  What if the recorded video needs some editing? Perhaps you want to trim the beginning part of the video and some part at the end, if you don’t know that PowerPoint has that capability to trim your video, you will be looking for the third-party software, I’m sure, just to accomplish your task.

I was struggling to find a free video editing software that I can use to edit, specifically trim, my video recording and to my surprise, you can do it using one of the Microsoft Office software; the PowerPoint.

Today, I am going to show you how you can trim your video using Microsoft PowerPoint.

It’s pretty straight forward.

Let’s get started.

  • Assuming your PowerPoint is now open, drag a sample video on one of your slides.
  • Select the video and a “Video Tools” menu ribbon tab will appear on the toolbar ribbon, and it has two tabs: Format and Playback.
  • Select “Playback” tab, then “Trim Video” from the options provided.
  • Next, you can play along the video to determine where you want to trim the video. You can fine-tune it using the “left” and “right” button next to the “play” button. The other option is, if you know where you want to trim the video, you can type the time in the format of “MM:SS” from the “Start Time” box provided.
  • Next, you can continue playing along the video to determine where you want to end the video if in case you want to trim the end portion of your video. You can fine-tune it using the “left” and “right” button next to the “play” button. The other option is, if you know the time where you want to end the video, you can type the time in the format of “MM:SS” from the “End Time” box provided.
  • Click “OK” once you are happy.

Once you have completed those steps, it’s time for as to save our trimmed media file and to do that, please follow the steps provided below.

  • Select the “File” menu.
  • Next, select “Compress Media” and then choose an appropriate level of compression (Full HD, HD or Standard).
  • After that, the “Compress Media dialogue box” opens and the compression process begins.
  • When the compression is finished, you can close the compression media dialogue box.
  • Then go back to your slide where you’ve added the video. Right-click on the video and select “Save Media as…
  • Give it a new file name and save it to your desired location.

And that concludes this tutorial.

I hope you find this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Have a great day!


Revit Dynamo PowerBI Workflow Video Recording – Part 1

I found my practice recording of the first part of my BILT Asia 2018 presentation. For the whole documentation about this presentation, you can grab a copy from the link provided further down below.

I would like to thank you, in advance, for your support. My website ( will keep on running for as long as there is someone like you who would be willing to spend a small amount to support me in funding my online library. It will be your online library too. Your support is very much appreciated.

For some of you who haven’t get a copy yet, here are the two links for you to choose from, where you can purchase a downloadable PDF copy, depending on your payment option.

Using PayPal:

Revit-Dynamo-Power BI Guide ebook (PayPal)

Using Credit/Debit Card:

Revit-Dynamo-Power BI Guide ebook (Credit/Debit Card)

Have a great day and watch out for part 2 of my practice video recording.


“Leave a comment” or “Post comment” area is NOT showing up on Posts/Pages

Apologies to all of my blog readers if the “Leave a comment” or “Post comment” area happen to be missing/disappear in most of my posts, especially to those who are 28 days older. It’s my bad. I did not pay attention to my default settings. There is one setting that I need to untick in order for the comment area not to disappear in any of my older posts or pages.

For the benefits of other bloggers out there, here is how you can solve these issues if you happen to be using and wondering why the “Leave a comment” button is missing.

When you click or open any of my posts, you should be able to “Post comment” at the end of the post. Because of my default settings, the comments section disappeared after 28 days.

All you have to do, under your Settings/Discussion, is to UNTICK the box highlighted in the image above and that will solve your problem of “Post comment” area disappearing.

Don’t forget to tick the boxes as shown in the image below to activate the comments section.

I hope you find this helpful.

Have a good day!


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