Work From Home Setup

Getting ready for tomorrow’s work from home. It’s going to be my 4rth week working from home and the second week of homeschooling for my children.

We don’t have control over the current situation. All we can do now is to follow the health department and government advice to mitigate the risk of getting infected. We each have a part to play by staying at home so we can protect ourselves, protect the NHS and everyone in the healthcare industry, protect the key workers and saving lives. Let’s accept the fact that this is what it is, and things will get easier. Keep positive thoughts flowing and avoid to listen or watch to0 much media as the information you’ll get will make you feel more worried. Keep what you are doing to stay safe and healthy.

I wish you all safe days ahead.

Isaiah 26:20 (NIV) Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by.

Side by side with my homeschooling children
Improvising should I find myself tired of sitting

By the way, I would be glad if you could share a photo of your work from home setup. Thanks in advance.

Have a wonderful day!

Graitec BIMUp Conference 2019

In just a few days, the Graitec BIMUp Conference 2019 is going to kick-off on the 8th October 2019. This is a great alternative to BILT Europe 2019 Conference if you can’t attend this year for whatever reasons.

The Graitec BIMUp Conference 2019 is entirely online and it is a totally free event!

There are over 170 classes over the 3 days, aimed at Architects, Engineers, Fabricators and Contractors.

To book your place, you can register by clicking the image below.

Once registered, start choosing your classes now and add them to your agenda!

Happy learning!


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