Revit Dynamo PowerBI Workflow Video Recording – Part 2

Hello there. It’s me again, Allan Cantos. I trust you are well.

You have seen in my previous post the video recording that I did when I was preparing for my presentation for the 2018 BiLT Conference. I hope you don’t mind the accent (hahaha) but rather look at what you can get from that video recording.

If you missed watching that first part, I highly recommend that you go back to that video first before continuing watching this part 2 to get a better understanding of what happened in the first part.

Here is the link for the first part:

Revit Dynamo PowerBI Workflow Video Recording – Part 1

And here is the Part 2 recording:

As a correction, the video recording mentioned about using the latest Dynamo version installed in your machine if you have 2 or 3 versions installed. Actually, I have not tested this in Dynamo 2.x versions yet so it may or may not work. I suggest using Dynamo 1.x versions.

If you need a hard copy of this tutorial, you can download it from the links provided below. I hope you’ll support me in funding the expenses of running this website. It’s my personal online library and it will be yours too.

Using PayPal:

Revit-Dynamo-Power BI Guide ebook (PayPal)

Using Credit/Debit Card:

Revit-Dynamo-Power BI Guide ebook (Credit/Debit Card)

I hope you find this video tutorial helpful. Please leave your comment below if you have any questions.

Have a great day!


Revit Dynamo PowerBI Workflow Video Recording – Part 1

I found my practice recording of the first part of my BILT Asia 2018 presentation. For the whole documentation about this presentation, you can grab a copy from the link provided further down below.

I would like to thank you, in advance, for your support. My website ( will keep on running for as long as there is someone like you who would be willing to spend a small amount to support me in funding my online library. It will be your online library too. Your support is very much appreciated.

For some of you who haven’t get a copy yet, here are the two links for you to choose from, where you can purchase a downloadable PDF copy, depending on your payment option.

Using PayPal:

Revit-Dynamo-Power BI Guide ebook (PayPal)

Using Credit/Debit Card:

Revit-Dynamo-Power BI Guide ebook (Credit/Debit Card)

Have a great day and watch out for part 2 of my practice video recording.


How to add your Power BI Dashboard to your BIM 360 Project Home Dashboard

Hello there, Allan Cantos here. I hope you are all well.

As a pre-requisite to this tutorial, I assumed you already have built your Power BI Dashboard that you would like to link to your BIM 360 Project Home Dashboard. If not yet, I would advise you to build one first then come back to this tutorial.

Alright, let’s get started.

Here is what we are trying to achieve:

Before you can do modifications to the “Project Home” page, you must have as admin rights.

You can access the “Project Admin” page by clicking the “9-dots” located at the upper left-hand corner (just below the Autodesk BIM 360 logo).

And, once again, before you can modify the “Project Home” page, you must have a “Project Admin” rights.

Now, go back to the “Project Home” page and click the “Customize” setting icon that you’ll find at the upper right-hand side of your dashboard.

An now you are ready to add a new visualisation card. Click on Card Library.

And from the “Card Library”, scroll down until you find the “Power BI”.

Select it and then click “Add Card”.

Click “Configure”

Next, log in to your Power BI account on your Chrome browser and open the Power BI report.

After that, select “File” and from the drop-down list, select “Publish to web”.

And this will give you the “Embed code”. Select the link highlighted in yellow below and hit CTRL-C to copy.

Go back to your BIM 360

Give your Power BI “Card Title” a name then paste (CTRL-V) the link copied from the previous step to “Partner URL”. Make sure to delete the texts before https and the texts about frame border at the end of the pasted URL.

Click the “Save” button and you’ll now be able to see your Power BI dashboard from you BIM 360 Project Home page.

I hope you find this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions, please let me know by leaving your comments.

Have a great day!


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