Revit voids not exported to IFC

Hello there. I trust you are well.

We regularly export our Revit model to IFC, together with native RVT and NWC models, as part of forthnightly model exchange. Recently I was told that some of the voids were not being converted to IFC. I was surprised why it happened, so I made some investigations.

The issue of converting the Revit model to IFC is that IFC is not treating the other Revit openings as slab openings as you can see here:

though they are all modelled the same, as shaft openings

Then I did a test of tracing the slab edges around the openings which I shouldn’t be doing as it creates a lot of work should the riser opening changes its size, but I did just to do this test and it looks ok.

Then I tried to trace the slab edge to the face of the core walls to check if those voids will exist once converted to IFC, all the voids did not get converted properly except one for some reason.

Then I did creating a detached copy of the model, though I shouldn’t be doing it, but for the purpose of testing I did. The result is the same as if we are exporting the IFC from the live model.

So there is something about how IFC is converting the voids.

Did you come accross this problem before? Would you mind sharing in the comments below how you solve it, please? I appreciate your contribution and thank you in advance.

Have a lovely day! Cheers.

Create Structural Beam Penetration – 3 Options

Hello there. I trust you are well.

Have you ever wonder how to create voids on your structural framing family? Please check my YouTube video (link provided below) explaining 3 options on how you can create voids on your structural framing elements.

Actually, there is a fourth method where you embed the voids within the family, but the issue with this methos is when you load a new type, they will be overwritten and disappear unless you create a new type within your structural framing company library specific with structural framing with voids.

I hope you find this useful.

Have a great day.


Extracting the Structural Pile Coordinates Using Dynamo in 2024

Hello there. I trust you are all well and I wish you a Happy New Year!

Five years ago, I wrote a blog entitled “Exporting Pile Coordinate from Survey Point instead of Project Base Point” which you can find by clicking HERE and I wrote a follow-up blog entitled “Pile Cut-off Level using Dynamo” which you can find by clicking HERE. I felt it was time to write an update relating to these posts.

I know it’s been a while since I wrote something on my blog and I hope to be proactive once again and share with you everything that I might discover in my day-to-day work. In this comeback post, I’ll share with you how you can extract the structural pile coordinates using Dynamo, and this time, the script will not be as messy as before. The script is also playable in Dynamo Player

Pile Extract Coordinates via Dynamo V1 required inputs

Within your company, I believe you have built an in-house tool to do this or perhaps you have a third-party Revit plugin (paid or unpaid) that will give you the coordinates, but what if, for some reason, those tools ended up buggy and, when you come to need it badly, failed to work. This is where Dynamo can be handy.

Sample result image 1

Sample result image 1

Sample result image 2

Sample result image 3

This is what the script looks like:

Pile Extract Coordinates Dynamo Script

If you want to see this in action (demonstration), here is the link to the video:

If you find this video helpful, kindly subscribe to my YouTube channel. Subscribing to my YouTube channel won’t cost you any monetary amount and I appreciate it much if you subscribe. Thank you in advance.

Have a great day.


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