Examples of Power BI use

Hello, hello! Allan here. I hope you have already settled in working from home, a new work setting. Same with the children who are in homeschooling. I hope they are well too.

Anyway, you may have already seen these but just in case you don’t, below is two examples of a dashboard for coronavirus/COVID2019 spread if you want to see an example of Power BI use.


Be safe, be healthy and believe in the divine intervention. Keep praying that this pandemic will end sooner than we expected.

God bless.

Cheers everyone.

Stay at home!

Here is a polite and friendly reminder from our NHS frontline. Please, let’s follow it and don’t be a selfish individual.

If you want to save lives, stay at home.

For healthcare professionals, who care for the sick, may the Lord protect them from the illnesses they are treating. Make them an instrument of this healing.

Let’s hope for the best in the coming days and let’s all pray that this crisis will end sooner than expected.

Stay home, be safe and get yourself healthy.

Have a lovely day with your loved ones at home.


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