Comparing Models Using Solibri

How are you doing? I trust you are all well. Today I’ll be looking at documenting my process of comparing 2 architectural models to find out what are the changes from the previous version to the most current one.

Being in structural discipline, I will be after only with the changes in the structural placeholder for slabs and door openings for my walls from the architectural model.

With that in mind, I begin with turning off the rest of the “Worksets” that for me is not relevant in this exercise. I have to do this step in both models.

Once done, I’ll export an IFC file.

I can select both projects if I have them open in the same Revit window then modify the setup.

Below are my settings for the IFC export. I found my notes when I attended the inter-company BIM Coordination training last year and we were told to use these following settings:

Once I’m happy with the settings, I click on “OK” to accept the changes.

Next, open the “Solibri Model Checker” software. I’m using Version 9.6.

Next is to open the first IFC file.

In this case, open first the old model.

Provide “Short Name” information, let say this is “Rev_01” model and under “Architectural” discipline.

Next, I’ll add a new model.

Select the 2nd IFC file which will now be your latest architectural model.

Again provide “Short Name”. I’ll call it “Rev_02” and also under “Architectural” discipline.

Don’t forget to save the Solibri file to a new file name.

I’ll call this Solibri file “B01Z-Rev_01_vs_Rev_02”.

Here is what you’ll see under “Model” tab.

Go to “Checking” tab and there is a “To-Do” note that I need to complete. I’ll ignore it and close the note by pressing the “x” button on the upper right-hand corner.

Since I am after comparing two architectural model and I do not have it on the list of “Ruleset”, I’ll add one by pressing the folder icon as shown below.

The “Ruleset” is not available in the list, I have to click on “+ Add Rulesets”.

It should automatically bring me to this folder where I can select “Model Revisions Comparison – Architectural”.

Here is where the folder is located in case you get lost.

It will now be available on the list of “Rulesets”. Select that and click “OK”.

Next, I’ll disable checking the rest of the “Rulesets”. You can also delete them one by one if you want to get rid of them.

This leaves me only “Component Comparison” to check. Now click on the “Check” icon as shown.

Again I’ll see this yellow note listing down the task that I need to complete. Just click on “Check Anyway” button to continue.

And in just a matter of minutes, I’ll have the results.

There are no issues with critical severity.

I have 200 issues with moderate severity.

I also got nothing for low severity issues.

Let me dig down with those additional members. As the report shows, I have additional slabs.

The architects have now added stairs in the latest model.

And also added a wall

I ignore what are the elements removed and jumped to “Modified” drop-down lists. We can clearly see that the door openings have been raised. “Red” is the old position and “Blue” is the new position of the opening.

Continue checking the rest of the issues and once you are done, start creating the report.

While the issue is selected under “Results”, jump to “Communication” tab where you will begin adding this view to your report.

Click “Click to Add New Presentation” icon. I’ll do this to make it easy to review all the critical issues.

I’ll name my presentation as shown below and click “OK”.

Add a few details

And I have now my first slide for my presentation.

I’ll continue adding issues that I think critical.

First, select the issue from the “Ruleset” result.

Then click the “New Issue” icon.

Provide details.

And it will be added to my presentation. The number of slides will be seen inside the bracket () at the end of your presentation file name. In this exercise, I have 12 slides. Once I am done adding the critical issues, it is time for me to create a report. Click on “Report” to generate the report.

I’ll leave it to you to choose which file format you want your report to be created.

And that should be it. Next time I’ll talk about my experience using BIMcollab in handling BCF files.

Here is how the BIMcollab interface looks like taken from my previous project using BCF Manager Revit plugin.

It is also accessible on the internet which means you can open it on your mobile devises or tablets for as long as you have an internet connection. Here is how the portion of it looks like.

Have a great day.


Allan Cantos

Revit Extension Part 2 – Content Generator

Hey there! In my previous post, Revit Extension Part 1 – Content Generator”, I discussed how to use Revit Extension “Content Generator” tool. Most of the time, we are using standard structural sections which we have in our family library, however, if you want to create a family for the non-standard structural section, “Content Generator” is a great tool.

The software was supposed to improve and get better with new releases. However, for whatever reason, “Content Generator” is no longer available in Revit 2017.

So what now? For some of you who will be working with Revit 2017, the temporary fix is to create your custom section using “Content Generator” in Revit 2016.

Here is the element I created from my previous post using “Content Generator” in Revit 2016.

Let me edit the family by clicking on “Edit Family” icon.

Save it on your local drive or project folder.

Then open it on Revit 2017.

Then load it to your Revit 2017 project.

Your custom family is now in Revit 2017.

For now, this is the interim solution.

That should be it. As before, if you know a better way, please let me know and help me in spreading the knowledge.

Have a good day.


Allan Cantos


Hello there.

If you are one of those Technicians who is producing drawings from a reference view Revit models, this Revit topic is for you.

Now here is the situation, the project has 3 separate models; each one has its own Revit file.

Then there is a Revit file called “Sheet Model” where these 3 models are referenced in.

The views were generated by mimicking the levels of each building to the new “Sheet Model” Revit file and use these views to create the sheets shown below.

We managed to issue the drawings last March 2017 without any problem with the views and after that, because I got busy with another project, this project has been transferred to another Technician.

I got a call from this Technician asking for help wherein he was having a problem with a reference view of a general arrangement or plan view not appearing properly on his “Sheet Model” after doing some updates. He spent an hour trying to figure out how to fix the issue.

Here is the view we want to appear on the “Sheet Model” that he fixed at the “Sports Hall” Revit model.

And here it is when you are on the “Sheet Model”. The “green area” on the lower right-hand corner seems missing or might be a view range issue.

He looked at “View Range” and made it sure that the settings he has in “Sheet Model” Revit model matches the one he has in “Sports Hall” Revit model and both were the same.

So what could be the problem why the views are not the same considering that both models are now using the same “View Range” values?

Ok, here is the solution. If this view can’t be fixed by adjusting the “View Range” from the “Host View” (Sheet Model Revit model view range settings), then I will use the “Linked View” (Sports Hall Revit model view range settings) instead.

I started looking at the “Visibility Graphics” by clicking “Edit” or type “VG” on your keyboard.

Then go to the “Revit Links” tab and click on “Custom”

Look for the “View Range” and instead of “By host view”, select “By linked view”


Click “Apply” then “OK” and another “OK” and voila! Our view is now fixed!

Here is the view that my colleague wants to achieve on his “Sheet Model” Revit model.

I hope you’ll find this trick useful. If you think I can be of help on your project, don’t hesitate to drop me an email on my “Contacts” section. I welcome your feedback, comments, questions, corrections and additional information relating to this article. If you know a better way, please leave your comment; by all means, let me know. Thanks.

Have a great day!


Allan Cantos

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